Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Sing

We finished our day with a turkey sing in the gym.  I didn't know there were so many songs about turkeys.   Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!! 

Our Thanksgiving Feast

The day of the big feast has arrived.  We started our cooking chores early by peeling potatoes and carrots.

We added broth and green beans.

We made cornbread.

Then we all set down to a wonderful Thanksgiving feast. We had our stew, corn bread, fruit salad, and pumpkin pie.  Our feast was delicious!!!   Our first picture is of Elizabeth Hopkins and her baby Oceanus.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Counting Seeds

With the help of our 5th grade friends we cut open our pumpkins and counted all of the seeds.  We had a grand total of 7,181 seeds in our pumpkins.  We then took all of those seeds and planted them outside near the fence on our playground.  Do you think we will get any pumpkins next spring?

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Hard Winter

We have made it through the hard first winter of our life in the New World.  Unfortunately, many of us did not survive that first winter.  We had to swear in a new Governor.......William Bradford because our first Governor, John Carver,  did not survive.

Friday, November 21, 2008

November 21st Newsletter

We have finished the first story in our new theme.....Home Sweet Home.  This week we read "Moving Day" about a hermit crab looking for a new home.  The skills we worked on were sh, ch, th, wh, and tch digraphs, comparing and contrasting, exclamatory sentences, and writing complete sentences.  Our spelling words focused on words with sh or ch.  Each week your child has 6 main spelling words and two challenge words.  You can help your child develop good study habits by helping them to study their spelling words nightly.

We have completed part of our pilgrim voyage and have arrived safely in the new world.  Next week we will be learning what life was like for the pilgrims once they settled in at Plymouth Rock.  The culminating activity will be our feast on Wednesday.

In math we have been focusing on counting pennies, nickels, and dimes and also working on frame and arrows. You can help your child in math by reviewing basic math facts to 10.

I will not be sending a Friday Folder home over Thanksgiving vacation since it is just a three day week and we are going to be doing mostly activities.  I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and you family a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving.   

Settling In

Our first job upon arriving at Plymouth Rock was to build our homes and the Common House so we would no longer have to live aboard the ship.  The Common House would be used as a meeting place, church, school, and even a hospital.

Governor Carver and William Bradford building the Common House

The Mullins family home

The Brewster Family Home

The Standish family home

The Hopkins Family Home

Our completed village

First Casualty

We have had our first casualty of the voyage.  Dorothy Bradford fell off of the boat as we were disembarking at Plymouth Rock.  We are thinking that this will be the first of many Pilgrims that do not make it to Thanksgiving. However since we also need Native Americans at the feast, many of us will take on a new personality.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Landing At Plymouth Rock

We were planning on settling in Jamestown, Virginia. However, one of the storms blew us way off course.  It was November 11, 1620.  Since Winter was coming we decided to stay where we were. We called our new village Plymouth Rock, after Plymouth England.  Before we left the boat we swore in our new Governor......John Carver.


 Here we are stepping off of the boat onto Plymouth Rock.