Friday, November 21, 2008

November 21st Newsletter

We have finished the first story in our new theme.....Home Sweet Home.  This week we read "Moving Day" about a hermit crab looking for a new home.  The skills we worked on were sh, ch, th, wh, and tch digraphs, comparing and contrasting, exclamatory sentences, and writing complete sentences.  Our spelling words focused on words with sh or ch.  Each week your child has 6 main spelling words and two challenge words.  You can help your child develop good study habits by helping them to study their spelling words nightly.

We have completed part of our pilgrim voyage and have arrived safely in the new world.  Next week we will be learning what life was like for the pilgrims once they settled in at Plymouth Rock.  The culminating activity will be our feast on Wednesday.

In math we have been focusing on counting pennies, nickels, and dimes and also working on frame and arrows. You can help your child in math by reviewing basic math facts to 10.

I will not be sending a Friday Folder home over Thanksgiving vacation since it is just a three day week and we are going to be doing mostly activities.  I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and you family a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving.   

1 comment:

Just Julie said...

Hello Mrs. Wilson!
I like your new blog very much!