Friday, March 6, 2009

Camp Read-A-Lot

Camp Read-A-Lot was a huge success.  The children kept telling everyone "We aren't doing any work today.....we are just reading"  If they only knew!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. Oswald was one of our guest readers.  She shared the book "I Can Read With My Eyes Shut"
Mr. Parrot shared "Tacky the Penguin".
Mrs. Casper shared a couple of her favorite books.."The Library" and "The Boy Who Was Raised by Librarians"
Mr. Schneider was even on of our guest readers.  He shared the book "The Little Engine That Could"

Martha even got in the spirit of things and provided us with a delicious camp lunch that we could eat in our rooms.

Guest readers were quite impresses with the listening skills of the first graders.

Blankets, pillows, and pajamas were definitely in order today.  We were all quite comfy as we laid around and read.

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