Monday, February 13, 2012

Abraham Lincoln

A penny greeted the first graders when they came to school on Monday. They were to guess why a penny was there. The first graders had many guesses. You are paying us for being are paying us to do our are paying us to be nice to each are paying us to listen...were among some of the guesses. After a little discussion and the reading of several picture books, they made the connection between the penny and Abraham Lincoln's birthday on the 12th of February. We did a writing activity so they could show what they learned about Lincoln. Here are some of the facts they wrote. He was the 16th president of the United States. He was honest. He was the president who freed the slaves. He liked to read. The fact that interested them the most was that he carried his important papers in his stovepipe hat.

Here we are modeling a stove pipe hat.

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