Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We worked with lines of symmetry today. We all made symmetrical shapes. Here we are with our shapes.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Shape Museum

In math we have been learning all about geometric shapes. Check out our shape museum!! We all brought objects from home and then we had to label them in order to add them to the museum.

Friday, February 18, 2011

February 18th Newsletter

Our Star of the Week this week was Student #18. We learned that Student #18 has a younger sister and she has a younger brother. Her favorite color is pink. Her favorite school subjects are Art and Library. When she is not in school she likes to sew, read a lot, play with her dolls, and make forts with her brother and

sister. Her favorite animals are horses and ponies. Her favorite book series is Little House on the Prairie books and she also likes American Girl books. Her favorite foods are chocolate pie, strawberry pie, mashed potatoes and gravy, and corn. She has a rock collection at home. In the summer she likes to ride bikes. Student #18 brought several pictures of herself and her family. She likes stuffed animals and brought a white lamb, a pink sheep with a jacket, a dog named Spot, and her Winnie the Pooh bear to share with us. She shared two doll that she sewed and made, complete with clothes. She also brought one of her favorite dolls named Mary. Mary sang a song for us, “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”. Student #18 really likes to make things......she also shared a bracelet that she had made. We enjoyed getting to know Student #18 a little bit better.

Mrs. Caskey came on Thursday this week to continue our outdoor education. This week the topic was birds and orinthology. We learned that all birds have feathers, beaks, wings, tails, lay eggs, and have good senses other than the sense of smell. We also learned that most birds, but not all birds, fly, build nests and have hollow bones. She brought a variety of feathers and feet of different birds for us to examine. Mrs. Caskey will be back again next Friday to do some more outdoor education.

One of the things that was difficult to do while I was absent was to update the First Grade Blog. The last couple of weeks I have tried to start in again posting about every other day. You can check out what the first graders have been doing by going to:


The children had a wonderful Valentine’s Day party on Monday afternoon. I want to thank, Tara Yoder, Cindy Miller, Nicole Hall, and Meredith Caskey for providing all of the activities and treats for the day. The students were divided into 4 groups and rotated through centers. They made bookmarks, played some games, made food necklaces, and made roses for their mothers. Then we opened valentines. The kids had a great time.

Don’t forget about Chinese Club night, February 24th from 6:30-7:30 at Wellman Elementary. We will be doing some Chinese crafts.

If you ever have any concerns or questions, please let me know. You can call me at school or shoot me an email and I will respond as quickly as possible. I would rather answer questions and concerns when they are small rather than let them snowball into a huge problem.

When your child brings their math homework home, there is always a note to the parents about what we did in math class that day. Math homework is a great time to sit down with your child, listen to what they did in math, and complete the paper together. The answers are always on the first Home Link for the chapter. Thank you.

We are got our new spelling words today. The new words are in the Friday Folders. We will have our spelling test next Friday, February 25th The new words are:

1. food

2. moon

3. room

4. soon

5. too

6. zoo

Challenge Words

7. balloon

8. moose

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Mrs. Caskey came again today to share some more about the outdoors. Today she was teaching us how to be an orinthologist.......someone who studies birds. We learned that all birds have beaks (bills), feathers, wings, tails, lay eggs, and have good senses other than the sense of smell. We also learned that most birds, but not all, fly, make nests, and have hollow bones. Mrs. Wilson learned that the birds that fly have hollow bones so that it makes them lighter so that they can fly. Mrs. Wilson is learning as much as we are about the outdoors!!

Dos Elefantes

Dos elefantes se balanceaban
sobre la tela de una araña,
como veía que resistía
fueron a llamar a otro elefante.

Tres elefantes se balanceaban,
sobre la tela de una araña,
como veían que resistía
fueron a llamar a otro elefante.

Don't we make graceful elephants balancing on the spider web!!

Two elephants stood on the web of a spider.
They felt it was strong, it couldn't be tighter.
Along came their friends. They called to invite her.

Three elephants stood on the web of a spider.
They felt it was strong, it couldn't be tighter.
Along came their friends. They called to invite her.

We were practicing our numbers in Spanish by singing
Dos Elefantes.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


We are becoming awesome readers. Sometimes it is fun to read in a more comfortable spot than sitting at our desks. As long as we are reading we can go where we want to read. Under our desks seems to be the most popular spot!!

We are getting very good at taking our computer tests all by ourselves!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

We were all excited when we came to school today because it is Valentine's Day!!! We started the day by seeing how many words we could make from the letters in:

Valentine's Day

We came up with 100 words very easily. We could have found more but we had other things we had to do today.