Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dos Elefantes

Dos elefantes se balanceaban
sobre la tela de una araña,
como veía que resistía
fueron a llamar a otro elefante.

Tres elefantes se balanceaban,
sobre la tela de una araña,
como veían que resistía
fueron a llamar a otro elefante.

Don't we make graceful elephants balancing on the spider web!!

Two elephants stood on the web of a spider.
They felt it was strong, it couldn't be tighter.
Along came their friends. They called to invite her.

Three elephants stood on the web of a spider.
They felt it was strong, it couldn't be tighter.
Along came their friends. They called to invite her.

We were practicing our numbers in Spanish by singing
Dos Elefantes.

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