Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Adaptations and a Special Guest would think a big word for first graders.

Not really when you break it down the way Mrs. Caskey did.........just another word for change. She talked about how animals adapt to winter and the colder weather. She talked about those adaptations------hibernating, migrating, growing a thicker coat, collecting food, and becoming more active to stay warm. Plants might go dormant, send out more roots, or they might even die. People adapt to the colder weather by staying in, dressing warmer or in layers, turning up the heat, or building fires in their fireplaces, or wood stoves. Adaptations........another word for change.

Mrs. Caskey read us a folk tale about Turtle Flies South For Winter.

And lastly.......she shared her pet salamander named Spot. here student #4 is taking Spot around so the rest of the class can get a close-up view of him. Mrs. Wilson learned that salamanders are not slimy!!! They are just covered with mucous.

Mrs. Caskey will be nack next week to share some more about the outdoors.

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