Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10th Newsletter

Student #19 celebrated his 7th birthday on Wednesday, March 9th.

Happy Birthday, Student #19!

Mrs. Caskey came on Wednesday for a short time. She read the book “An Egg is Quiet” and then went on to talk about hummingbirds. We learned that hummingbirds are very small........only as big as a stick of gum and that they weigh as much as a penny. We also learned that even though they are small, they still migrate........sme of them as far as to the Gulf of Mexico. Mrs. Caskey also shared a hummingbird nest. It was quite small.

The first graders are becoming quite the reading machines. The fifth graders have continued to come and help out with giving labeled book tests, but I am also transitioning the first graders into doing their own tests. As the end of the year approaches and the there may be more and more times when it is not possible for the fifth graders to help out, so the independence of the first graders will be very helpful.

The first graders are making great strides in reaching thier reading goal. As of Wednesday at the end of the day they had read and passed tests on 865 books. They only have 535 to go by the end of the year. I think this goal is definitely doable.

Please mark your calendars for Monday, March 21st. The annual spring music concert will be held at the High School at 7:00.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 26th. Washington Township’s Family Fun Night will be held at the school that evening. The first graders will be making a Chocolate Lover’s be on the look out for all things chocolate to help fill the first grade basket.

If you ever have any concerns or questions, please let me know. You can call me at school or shoot me an email and I will respond as quickly as possible. I would rather answer questions and concerns when they are small rather than let them snowball into a huge problem.

We will have our next spelling test next Friday, March 18th. The new words are:

1. cow

2. now

3. house

4. down

5. found

6. out

Challenge Words

7. pouch

8. crowded

Art News

The art fundraiser is here! Students will be coming home with a packet that will include their art, a brochure, a letter explaining the process of ordering and also includes prices of items, and an order form. If you plan on ordering something have your child return their artwork along with payment and order form to their classroom teacher no later than March 25!

Another reminder for everyone to attend the FIRST ANNUAL ART SHOW starting at 6:30 p.m. on March 21st before the spring Music concert located in the high school gymnasium.

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