Friday, March 18, 2011

March 18th Newsletter

Our Star of the Week this week was Student #10. We learned that Student #10 has 2 brothers and 3 sisters. They are all older than she is. She has 3 pet cats and 3 pet dogs at home. Their names are Gracey, Andy, and George for the cats and the dog’s names are Summer, Sammy, and Tess. Her favorite color is pink and her favorite school subject is PE. When she is not in school she likes to play with her Barbies. Student #10's favorite animals are horses. Her favorite TV show is Tom and Jerry. She has a rock collection. She plays T-ball in the summer. Her favorite food is cheese pizza. Student #10 celebrated her 7th birthday on Wednesday, March 16th. We enjoyed learning a little bit more about Student #10. Our next star of the week will be Student #9 next week.

Happy Birthday, Student #10!

Student #9 will be celebrating his 7th birthday on Sunday, March 20th.

Happy Birthday, Stiudent #9 !

The first graders are doing an awesome job of reading to meet their reading goal for Camp Read-A-Lot. As of Thursday afternoon they have read 1036 books leaving them with only 364 more to go to meet the 1400 book goal.

Please mark your calendars for Monday, March 21st. The annual spring music concert will be held at the High School at 7:00.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 26th. Washington Township’s Family Fun Night will be held at the school that evening. The first graders will be making a Chocolate Lover’s be on the look out for all things chocolate to help fill the first grade basket. We have a some boxes of chocolates, chocolate covered raisin, a couple of packets of hot cocoa, some Lindor Truffles, a chocolate recipe box, a German chocolate cake mix, and some Ghiradelli chocolates. I will be buying a basket this weekend and continuing to collect chocolate themed items all of next week.

If you ever have any concerns or questions, please let me know. You can call me at school or shoot me an email and I will respond as quickly as possible. I would rather answer questions and concerns when they are small rather than let them snowball into a huge problem.

Check out the First Grade Blog to see more of the happenings of the week.

We will have our next spelling test next Friday, March 25th. If you want a head start on the new words they are:

1. checking

2. missed

3. filled

4. sleeping

5. landed

6. telling

Challenge Words

7. bluffing

8. planted

Art News

The art fundraiser is here! Students will be coming home with a packet that will include their art, a brochure, a letter explaining the process of ordering and also includes prices of items, and an order form. If you plan on ordering something have your child return their artwork along with payment and order form to their classroom teacher no later than March 25!

Another reminder for everyone to attend the FIRST ANNUAL ART SHOW starting at 6:30 p.m. on March 21st before the spring Music concert located in the high school gymnasium.

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