Our Star of the Week this week was Student #12. We learned that Student #12 has 6 sisters and 7 brothers. She has two dogs at home called Shorty and Snow. Her favorite color is red. Her favorite school subject is Art. When she is not in school she likes to play with her dolls. Her favorite animals are zebras. Her favorite book is a Little House on the Prairie book called Going West. She really doesn’t have any favorite foods. She has a rock and a seashell collection. She likes to play the game of Life. Student #12 also celebrated her 7th birthday on Wednesday, March 2nd. We enjoyed getting to know Student #12 a little bit better.
Happy Birthday, Student #12!
Mrs. Caskey came on Wednesday. The topic of discussion this time was eagles. We learned that eagles usually lay 2-4 eggs and of those they have an average of 3 babies a year. Eagles are five years old before they build their own nests and have babies of their own. They have more feathers on their heads than they do on their wings. The children have been quite interested in everything she ha taught us. She will be coming in again in the near future.
The first graders are becoming quite the reading machines. The fifth graders have continued to come and help out with giving labeled book tests, but I am also transitioning the first graders into doing their own tests. As the end of the year approaches and the there may be more and more times when it is not possible for the fifth graders to help out, so the independence of the first graders will be very helpful.
If you ever have any concerns or questions, please let me know. You can call me at school or shoot me an email and I will respond as quickly as possible. I would rather answer questions and concerns when they are small rather than let them snowball into a huge problem.
We are got our new spelling words today. The new words are in the Friday Folders. We will have our spelling test next Thursday, March 10th. The new words are:
1. cup
2. cups
3. frog
4. frogs
5. tree
6. trees
Challenge Words
7. gloves
8. birds
Please mark your calendars for Monday, March 21st. The annual spring music concert will be held at the High School at 7:00.
The first graders and I did some goal setting this week. One of our goals is a reading goal. If the students can read 1400 labeled books by the end of the year we will have Camp Read-a-Lot. I told them that Camp Read-a-Lot was a day where we did no work at all........but we did spend the day reading books. We will push our desks and chairs to the side of the room and bring in our sleeping bags and blankets and spend the day reading. We also talked about what we would need to do to attain our goal. Since setting this goal, the children have really been reading up a storm. Each day I show them how much closer they are to reaching this goal.........right now we are at 757 books read with 643 books left to go. The first graders read and tested on over 100 books just this week!!! They seemed VERY excited.
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